Visit to a Buddhist monastery for Nuns

Take a guided tour of the Bikkhuni (nuns) Monastery. A meditation centre focused on women who have dedicated their life to Buddhism to seek the path to Nirvana. Mahapajapati Gotami was the first woman to seek ordination and did so directly from Buddha. It is her that continues to inspire women all around the world today to become a Bhikkuni (Buddhist nun). It is at this monastery that caters specifically to the Bhikkuni that your knowledgeable guide will walk you around.

As you walk through the grounds please ask your guide any questions you may have as he talks you through the founding principles of Buddhism. From meditation hall to private gardens you will traverse the history of the people group as you wander through the gardens. You will discover foundational elements of a temple which include the Bodhi tree, stupa and image houses which adorn the grounds beautifully. Prepare some questions as you may have the opportunity to meet a nun to talk with about a life following Buddhism.


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