Virgin White Tea Factory tour

Whether or not you have toured a Hill Country tea factory on your holiday, visiting the Handunugoda Tea Estate in Galle is a special experience. It provides the essence of the southern blend of Ceylon Tea, that would not disappoint. The estate is known as the ‘Virgin White’ Tea Estate as it produces a white tea that is completely untouched by human hands. A mere 30 minutes’ drive from Galle fort lies this quaint Tea estate that is a hidden gem.

The process of Virgin White tea plucking follows an ancient Chinese ritual where the best tea leaves were cut with gold scissors by virgins wearing soft silky gloves. Handunugoda mimics this tradition, although nowadays the ‘virgin’ concept only applies to the tea! Coincidentally, it is also one of the most expensive teas in the world, fetching over 1500 USD per kilo. Herman Gunaratne the owner of the factory, has utilised his passion for tea to bring it to the world and has championed it.


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