Pigeon Island National Park

For an ardent lover of nature, who adores bio-diversity hot-spots, Pigeon Island is bound to quench your thirst. Declared a national park in 2003, the nature reserve consists of two islands that are connected by corals, and is home to a myriad of marine species, as the 100 or so coral species surrounding the island proves to be a perfect habitat for several marine species. Coral reef have suffered from a range of impacts from local anthropogenic influence to global climate change, and these are no exception.

While the islands are home to marine life, it is also known for the birds that take refuge in the area. The rocky outcrop of the island is home to a number of endangered Rock Pigeons. According to the Wildlife Department, the islands are home to about 300 species of reef fish that dwell in the coral reefs. Engaging in some exciting scuba diving during the season that lasts from May to September allows you to see just a glimpse of Sri Lanka’s unique marine ecosystem that surrounds its lands. A lucky traveller may spot juvenile Blacktip Reef Sharks, along with the rare Hawksbill and Olive Ridley turtles.


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