Eagle Rock Hike

This is known as the mini world’s end that offers an interesting trek for the inhouse guests of Amba Estate. A hike of around 20-30 minutes to view the sunrise early morning. On a clear day, you could see 50km down to the south coast. Followed by it, you could go caving to discover nearby waterfalls with just 30 minutes by foot.

Here, you will discover staircases of tea that vanish into the clouds, ancient stone outcrop viewing platforms, mini waterfalls, wildlife, prehistoric caves, the superheroes of the skies –  bats and an orchestra of bird song. It is one of the unique experiences that Amba offers and known to be one of the best soft hikes by guests. On discovering the sunrise from the summit, you descend and return back to the house to enjoy a warm cup of home made coffee while enjoying the natural views of the surrounding. The uniqueness of the excursion is attached to your escort, Baloo, a huge and extremely friendly Belgian Shepherd who will accompany you in the hike.


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