A unique farmhouse experience – Tamarind Garden

Tamarind Gardens is a small farm in the Kandyan hill country that is committed to sustainability and community service. The main industry in the area is dolomite mining and Tamarind Gardens works to provide alternative livelihood opportunities that are environmentally sustainable. Tamarind Gardens collects milk from the farm and the surrounding village to produce butter, Neufchatel cheese, cream cheese, clotted cream, double cream, and cottage cheese.

These are supplied to hotels, restaurants, and urban consumers and provide a high-quality substitute for imported dairy products. The project also hosts visitors and organizes responsible travel experiences. Guests can experience village life and give back to the local community by supporting ongoing projects to improve water access and village livelihoods. Women in the village recently started producing reusable cloth bags as an alternative to plastic shopping bags. As a visitor, you will observe the process of collecting milk and the process of producing dairy products and women hard at work, producing reusable cloth bags.


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