Beli Lena Caves

The Belilena Cave lies amidst picturesque environs close to Kitulagala. Belilena is a large, well-known cave in the studies of prehistory of Sri Lanka. Archeological Department of Sri Lanka excavated and explored Belilena Cave between 1978 and 1983, discovering human remains as well as objects of cultural importance such as bone tools, stone tools and evidence of fire. Later, the 12,000-year-old skeletal remains of the prehistoric ‘Balangoda man’ (Homesepiens Balangodensis) have been found. Other discoveries include various plants and animals that are thought to have formed part of their diet, e.g. wild banana, breadfruit, and fish bones and articles that were used as personal ornaments.

This would be an ideal spot to visit for those you wish to mingle in the mysteries of history and dwell on the tales and anecdotes dating back to 32,000 years. A trek of 1 hr that lies through a thicket, will enable you to reach the cave. Comfortable attire and and footwear will be helpful in the excursion.


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