Elephant Stables Dambulla

The property is set on a forested ridge that rises above an extensive Teak forest over the plains of Dambulla giving 360 degree views of the mist covered mountains of the Hill Country in the far distance. The hotel features a collection of 6 villas with beautiful views looking out over a large teak forest below. These villas feature a large 4 poster bed and a living area with sofa set. Large glass windows give spectacular views over the surrounding countryside. There are 2 Family Chalets consisting of a large main bedroom and an interconnecting room with 2 single beds. The chalets are large enough to easily accommodate a family of 5 persons if necessary.

All of the important historic, cultural and natural places of interest in the Cultural Triangle are easily accessible from the resort. The Amazing Sigiriya Rock Fortress is just 30 minutes away from Dambulla. The Dambulla Cave Temples is only 10 minutes down the road. Minneriya and Kaudulla National Parks are between 45 minutes to 1 hour away. Apart from that, mountain bikes are available for mountain hikes.


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