The Paddy & Lake Cycling Trail

This is an interesting cycling trail along the villages and paddy  fields in the close proximity of Galle. The coastal lines are lesser known for its paddy and other cultivations and the livelihoods attached to it. This trail will enable you to understand the less travelled, hidden paths of the inlands of the coastal areas. You will observe the quiet, banal life of people making ends meet through paddy, and various other vegetable cultivations. Not to mention, lake fishing and other livelihoods.

It is a gentle loop starting and finishing at our base near Wijaya Beach. It passes through Eluvila Bird Sanctuary and out into the paddy fields sticking to local paths and quiet roads. There is a half way stop for king coconuts served under an ambalama in a private and exclusive jungle garden.  It includes a beautiful section cycling alongside the North West shoreline of Koggala Lake and its cinnamon plantations. This is surely a memorable trail that captures the moments of local community as well as that of the lush country side.


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